Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Odyssey- Final Chapters

Oh, it has come to an end! The story that I hated with pure passion in the beginning had ended.

My last thoughts?

I totally saw the ending coming. I just knew Homer was going to end it like that. After all that Ulysses been through, he has to end up living, once again, with his family. It would just be cruel if he died in that end or something, so I think the ending is appropriate for this story. Plus, I can't come up with a better ending.

Also, I'm happy that Telly seems not as angry with the world like in the beginning. Maybe he changed? Yeah, probably. And Ulysses too. I don't think he changed completely changed, but he's not as arrogant and eager to challenge someone. He has matured. Except the part where he savagely killed the suitors. That was just too.......um...just too.......graphic. 

Now that the Odyssey is done, I think the only smart thing for me to do is read the Iliad. Yes, I know the Iliad takes place before the Odyssey, but I think it would be fun to see the back-story to it. And maybe find out a bit more about Ulysses, Achilles, Agamemnon and the other people who fought in the battle of Troy.

So...yes. I am done! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Odyssey Books 12-17

Nevermind my last post, I have found a couple of favorite characters. The Olympian gods and all the minor people who only get a cameo appearance in the whole book. Like all those souls in the underworld, I'm still thinking about their stories and everything. And even though the Olympian gods and the minor gods do have their fair share of irritating moments (like sinking Ulysses ship, not nice) I believe the gods are the.......most true characters. I mean, they're really simple to understand, to me anyways, because their not complicated or involved in everything like the humans.Well, they are involved but their not always on Earth and besides, they know almost everything that's going to happen. So there's no use in discussing things, cuz they already know who's right.

Anyways, I like them the best.

Telemachus disappointed me, he turned out to be like a moody teenager who's mad at the world, and Ulysses is too arrogant. Blehh, hate arrogance.