Sunday, January 8, 2012

Catcher In the Rye: Chapters 1-6

Yes!! I've been dying to read this book. At first I was worried that it would be difficult to read, but it sort of reminds me of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Anyways, I'm really enjoying reading this book and hope the story will get better.  On to the questions!

What does it mean to be unique? 
I think being unique is hard. Honestly, you can't always find unique people, cuz' everyone is similar in some way. But being unique would mean that you don't change how you are for other people or for other reasons. Holden is very unique, I think. He doesn't seem to quite fit in with his roommates and friends, he doesn't stare at himself all day long like Stradlater or is openly rude like Ackley, but he sometimes acts like a little kid. Which is very unique among 16/17 year olds. Yet, he doesn't hide it. Which is good and very unique.

How do you keep individuality in a adult world? 
I think in order to stay yourself and be an individual person in the ADULT WORLD(scary isn't it?) you need to know yourself pretty well. Like, you need to keep true to yourself....does that make any sense? Try not to so influenced by your friends, and like/do things that you want to. I mean, it's not bad if you like a trend, but still act how YOU do, not how someone else is.

How is Allie's character similar to your favorite person?
Augh, this answer is so overdone but it's all I got. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE (if by chance you're reading this Anita) is my little sister Karen. Allie, Holden's little brother that died, was apparently really smart. Well, so is Karen. Sometimes I feel like she older than me because she's so much smarter than me. Her way of reasoning is really different from other kids in her grade, and she's always getting remarkable marks from her teacher. Just like Allie. My sister sucks at sports (it must run in the family or something) so baseball is out, but she does have this wild, curly hair you can see from afar like Allie's bright red-ish hair. Overall, Karen does resemble Allie quite a bit. She's the type of kid who makes you laugh when you don't even feel like smiling. I think that's what Allie was to Holden. A beam light that made his gloomy days a little brighter.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I thought that it sort of, kind of reminded me of To Kill A Mockingbird as well! Oh, the good old days of Comp. and Lit 1 (:
