Saturday, January 14, 2012

Catcher In the Rye: Chapters 7-12

I'm trying really, really hard to not read ahead in the book. I don't want to get mixed up with all the questions, although it would be really nice to finish the book already. Either way, the reading is coming along very nicely and I'm hoping the book gets better and better.

If you were Holden, and you had just been kicked out of school, where would you go? Why?
First things firsts. I would have a mini mental breakdown, possibly pace around and go crazy wondering how the heck I let myself be kicked out of school. Then mope around, telling myself that I am a failure. Then I would get really mad and want to punch something, but in the end go back to whimpering about what the heck to do. All of that, in order, on the same day.
But seriously, all joking put aside, I think I would just go outside for a walk and breath. Just breathe. That's one of Holden's problems. HE NEVER JUST STOPS AND BREATHES. He's always thinking about what to do next, he never looks back at the wreck he's left behind. And if he does think about him being kicked out, he doesn't take it seriously. Anyway, I would go outside and breath. Since he's in New York, I think I would go walk and breathe in Central Park. Putting one foot in front of the other should clear up my head and I should come up with a smart choice on what to do next. After some walking I would head back home. My parents would be very disappointed but family is family, and when you're at your worst, family is there to help you out.

Jane's character in the book is sort of nice to have. I think she remind Holden of happy times in the past when life wasn't so messed up. I wish Holden would of called her up, but what would he say? Either way, hopefully Holden gets to see Jane again. It would be nice to see how she thinks of Holden now.

"People are always ruining things for you."
Uhhh, yeah. People always ruin things for others. Maybe they don't mean it half the time(though some do) but plenty of people do it. Like when I ruined the illusion of Santa Claus for my little sister. Now, before I get so much hate, I was 9! Cut me some slack! I thought she knew that Santa wasn't real, so I happened to bring the subject up and it just came out. She was devastated. But now she knows the truth instead of living a lie. But enough of me sounding like the bad guy, I think people ruin things for us because they want to either 1) harm you or 2) make you see the truth. It sucks when something is ruined for you, but you move on and learn from it. At least that's what little sister did.

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