Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Odyssey

 Chapters 2-4

 As I read further into The Odyssey, I realized I was starting to actually like it. Huh! Although there are some things I quite don't understand, like why the suitors are savaging Penelope's and Telly's house, (where are the government officials in all of this?!), but I also realize back then things were done differently, traditions were not quite what they are now. So hopefully as the story progresses I'll get more comfortable with that idea.

So for now, I am left to wonder if Telly's quest will go as expected. Sail the seas, find the dad, come home for a happy life, or if they'll  hardships along the way to find/ bring back home his dad, Ulysses.

Oh! And on that note, another question I ponder. Why isn't the main character's name Odysseus but instead Ulysses? It's called THE ODYSSEY! Not the Ullysey.

By now I'm just ranting off complaints and things I think should change, which means I should stop writing soon. But do not be misguided, I actually kinda like the book.


  1. Oh Kariana, I wholeheartedly agreee with your ponderings... You understand that the suitors won't leave until "Telly's" mother marries one of them? I hope Ulysses comes back and kicks those jerks out of his house. I like how you call him "Telly" too!!!

  2. I agree how the traditions are really different and I keep thinking, if the whole book goes on like how these few books have gone, well, it will be a very long book.
