Friday, November 25, 2011

The Odyssey
Books 8-12

Well, I think I've chosen my favorite character. NO ONE! Just when I thought Telly was alright and possibly a good hero. He does something that just doesn't fit with me. And then there's Ulysses (I still don't get why it's Ulysses and not Odysseus!). Why would he challenge all those guys to see who's stronger? I know it's part of preserving your pride or whatever, but still. It just seemed so....juvenile. I mean, this is a grown man we're talking about. In his late, maybe middle, forties! I think it was unnecessary, but that's just my opinion. And then there was Nausicaa. I liked her in the beginning, just because I loved her name, and I thought she was going to be kinda cool and a good character. But she's always talking about marriage. How she doesn't want to marry some dude, and it gets sort of annoying. Hopefully the character will develop more, I have really high expectations for this one.


  1. I agree that none of the characters were agreeable at all times.
    I think literary heroes in the past used to be supernatural beings, ones that were superior physically or in mental capacity. This section just displayed this. (Whereas nowadays they are usually normal people in difficult circumstances, and their heroics depend on the way they react)
    I hope for your sake you enjoy Nausicaa!

  2. I realize that I don't have a favorite character either! Usually when I read a book, I pick favorites right away and people I don't like. If I absolutely HAD to pick a favorite it would be Minerva (but she's a goddess, so does it really count?).
