Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Link to Poem

Okay, so this is the link to a poem the I have published in (I chose Figment because I know no one will read my crummy poem there!!!) Anyways, if you wanna check it out, here's the link.


Going Bovine #2

The reason why I only have 2 posts about Going Bovine is because I finished it sooner than expected. I mean, it only took we 4 days to finish it! SO, this post will just be a small summary of how I felt about the book in general and my opinions about the ending.

Ok, to start off, I knew from the very beginning that Cameron was never going to come back to his home. I just KNEW it. No one just goes on an awesome road trip with a paranoid dwarf and a yard gnome who believes he's a Norse god to save the world from dark matter from a different dimension and lives to tell the tale. It just doesn't happen. Anyways, throughout the whole book you could kind of guess what was going to happen. It was kind of nice though, because you could clearly tell it was all leading up to the climax where we would all be astounded or shocked or any of those things.  

One thing, though, really stood out to me. It just goes to show you, and I'm quoting the book right here, everything happens for a reason. In the very beginning of the book, way before Cameron even knew about Follow the Feather stuff or that he had Mad Cow disease, there was this little scene where he accidentally broke a snow globe of his father's. And from that point on, there were always snow globe references and cameos of snow globes. IT WAS SO WEIRD. I knew that of was a reference, but it was still fun finding out that it was all "connected". Thats one of the very best qualities of this book, that fact that you find little clues and scenes that were mentioned earlier in the story before Cameron went all mental on us. 

The other thing that I really liked about the book, is how you never REALLY get to know what happened, how it all ends. Once again throughout Cameron's whole trip, he sometimes sees images of him still in the hospital, like he never escaped. THIS DROVE ME CRAZY! Its so.......surreal! You never really know if he left the hospital or maybe he's just imagining it all or......I dunno! It just really makes you think. Maybe all his adventures with Gonzo (the dwarf) and Balder (the yard gnome) were all a figment of his imagination.

Overall, I really liked it. I especially liked that it made me think. Most books I enjoy, but they don't really make me wonder about what's happening in the plot so much. SO! Go read Going Bovine by Libba Bray and have fun reading it!! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Going Bovine #1

OK! For my end-of-the-year-book-report I'm going to read Going Bovine by Libba Bray. THIS BOOK IS SO WITTY AND FUNNY!!! At first it's really to get into, but as the story develops it's actually really interesting.
In all honesty, this was not my first choice, or my second...or my third. I WAS going to read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe but something came up, CURSE YOU UNKNOWN JERK OUT THERE IN THE UNIVERSE WHO CHECKED OUT MY BOOK!! So now I'm going to read Going Bovine while I quietly wish unhappiness to whoever that person was. All's good.

Anyways, another reason why I'm reading this book is because my older sister read it and I fondly remember her laughing a lot while reading it. She's always says its such a good book, so I decided to give it a try. And so far, I am not disappointed at all. :)

The only thing that really scares me is that I won't be able to fully understand the message this book is  conveying. There's some pretty deep stuff going on in this book. I hope that I'm not to distracted by the hilarious main character, Cameron, to miss some of the important messages that are hidden here and there.

Overall, I'm really excited to read this book! It is rather thick, more than 400 pages, but I think it'll be a breeze once I get into it. This wasn't a very informative post about my book, but in all fairness, nothing big has happened yet, so next time I'll post more of my thoughts (and complaints) about Going Bovine.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-the-Moon Marigolds Act 2

The Capulet family in Romeo and Juliet and Tillie's family are quite different, once rather modern and one very old fashioned, yet similar in some aspects.

Tillie reminds me a bit of Juliet. Both of them seem to have families that are troubled, emotionally or just have trouble following them, and both have mothers that don't seem to listen. Juliet's mother desperately wants Juliet to marry, but Juliet never said she wanted to. Tillie's mom, Beatrice, also doesn't seem to listen to Tillie. She's to focused on complaining how life is terrible and how much she wants a shop, and never once listens to what Tillie has to say.
The biggest thing they have in common is the fact that they are loyal and stick to their families no matter how crazy or unreasonable they are being. Tillie still loves her mom and sister although they argue all the time and do outrageous things, and Juliet still mourns the death of her cousin Tybalt even though she knew he wasn't always right.

These families both have their differences, like how the Capulet has a strong Father/King role and Tillie's mom doesn't, but overall both of them have similarities and differences that make them unique and memorable families.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds Act 1

This play is......something. I'm not sure if I like it yet, but it could definitely grow on me.

I believe the person who I can relate to the most would be Tillie. I really like how no matter how many threats her mom says to her about the dang bunny, she never takes her seriously and goes on with whatever she has to do. It just struck me as amusing. Anyways, I think I could relate to Tillie because of how in love she is with science and how she just sinks into what she's talking about. Her mom, Beatrice, makes it seem like a worthless gift, but what Tillie has is something special, something she can use to escape from her world. She also demonstrates her love of science at school. I think I can relate most to this. I LOVE The Beatles,and I do get awkward stares at school sometimes because of my passion (or obsession, either one works) for them. I think I can relate to Tillie through this because we both share something we're really fond of, but no matter who says anything to shoot us down, we never truly stop loving our passion.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romeo and Juliet~ Romeo Character Traits

    Romeo and Juliet is well known for being a short but well written story of love at first sight and the hardships that two teenagers face due to their families past. The whole story is written with a quick pace, one important thing after another that affects the whole plot. Out of all the characters, Romeo seems to fit this description to the tee.
 Romeo is the epitome of emotional and frivolous. He is solely ruled by his emotions and rarely stops and thinks of his actions. Shakespeare does a very good job of showing this by describing how Romeo feels before and after the Capulet party. First he is woeful, mourning after Rosalie and wishing she would take him back, but then he sees Juliet. Mere seconds go by and Rosalie is out of Romeo’s head and heart, and replaced with young Juliet.
    That has got to be the quickest recovery of unrequited love. Ever.
    By doing this, Shakespeare shows just how emotional Romeo is, and begins to show who Romeo truly is. A mere teenager who lives in the moment and wishes nothing more than to be with Juliet.
    Another trait of Romeo’s is his loyalty. Throughout the whole story Romeo is faithfully followed by his two friends, Mercutio and Benvolio. Both Mercutio and Benvolio urge Romeo to forget Rosalie and return to being the normal, cheery Romeo he used to be. Romeo could have rudely declined the invitation to the party, but he put his troubles aside to please his friends. Also, when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo is enraged. Blinded with fury of his friend being slain, he kills Tybalt without a second thought. This really shows that although he was brooding over his own problems, Romeo couldn’t let someone do something to his friends and get away with it.
    One final trait that Romeo portrays very well is his compulsive behavior. The guy just doesn’t stop and think. All throughout the story he is very hurried and does things in a rush. Shakespeare demonstrates this trait when Romeo meets Juliet, suddenly falls in love and looks for her after the party. Very dashingly, he comes to her balcony and tries to win her over, and it kind of works. But it is so sudden! He barely just met her and he’s already confessing his heart. Granted, he’s really good at coming up with things on the spot, but it was obvious that it was not planned. It was the first thing that popped in his head, and did it mindlessly.
    Overall, Romeo turned out to be an O.K character. He came off at first like a fickle boy in love, but as the story progressed, he developed into a man who just wanted to love Juliet and live a happy life with her. It’s sort of saddening, knowing that Romeo would have become  more mature and thought things through in the future, but once again, his compulsiveness and brashness led him to take the fastest way out of his misery. He thoughtlessly killed himself, thinking that it would finally bring him happiness and be together with Juliet forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

I do not like this book.
That's it. No more, no less. I just don't enjoy Shakespeare's most famous tragedy.
Maybe the reason I don't like Romeo and Juliet is because of the language and the writing style. Half the time he speaks in 3rd person, like an onlooker, but then he speaks from the point of view of Romeo and Benevolio. And then there's Emotional Romeo. He's such an whiner! And for a guy who's roughly 17, he's really talkative about his emotions.
I like Juliet though. She seems leveled headed and has her little priorities straight. I think she doesn't want to marry any time soon, especially to her cousin, COUNTY PARIS,  but she sort of agrees to because she's an obedient child. I don't like her Nurse either. She talks ways to much and clings to Juliet a lot. It almost seems like she wants to replace the image of Susan, her dead daughter, with Juliet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail: Act Two

Irony, you say? Well, an aspects of irony I see in this part of the book is how Henry sees Bailey as this kind of genius, when he's really not. I think he just seems like a genius to Henry because he's so honest and simple. Like a child even. Since he's not so educated and have so many things clouding his thoughts, his reactions are pure and come from the heart. And I guess, in his own way, Bailey is a genius.

The main three characters I believe are Henry David, Bailey and John. I think these guys are pretty important to the story because they all influence Henry a bit. John's death deeply impacts Henry's view on the world, and Bailey sort of let's Henry just spew out all of his feelings and thoughts on him. Henry seems to really have an attachment with his brother, John, and by the end of the book, he has made one with Bailey too.

As for actors who would make good characters.......I don't know, really. For Henry, I sort of see the guy who plays Mr. Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia, James McAvoy. He seems like a wise person, but still young. For John, I think James Franco would fit the part. He also seems like someone's playful brother. As for dear Bailey, he's rather difficult to find an actor. The authors really don't dwell on what he looks like, but I imagines him being rather old, around his 30-40. So my conclusion is that Sean Penn would make a good Bailey, from around the era when he did 'I Am Sam'. Though he plays a father with development disabilities, sort of like that but not quite to the extent of him acting like a 7 year old. In the movie, Sean Penn does a great job of acting a simple and honest dad who just wants to be with his daughter, this sort of reminds me of how Bailey also seems honest and simple. He just wants to get out of jail, and calmly sits and listens to Henry talk.

I think in the end, Henry's protest didn't fulfill Henry's hopes and expectations. He seemed to expect an uproar, whether it was against him or with him. But people just turned their heads and didn't listen to him. Maybe if he had talked about his opinions sooner, there might of been more of a reaction. I mean, in the end, his aunt got him out of jail! So staying in jail for that time truly made him reflect on what he had done, and what he should do next.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger

This was a.....twisted and confusing short story. At first I thought Seymour was going to be like Holden, but he just seems overly lost in his own world. Even more than Holden. I think Muriel seems more like rebellious Holden. She seemed young in the beginning but as she talked over the phone with her mother, she sounded older and older. This sort of reminds me of how Holden seems to want to act like a grown-up but at the same time acts like a kid.
They both don't want to come home, but in the end they both will have to. Holden because he promised Phoebe, and Muriel will probably go home because Seymour shot himself after coming from the beach.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail

    "Don't just remember what I said. Remember what I'm talking about" 
                                                                                        -Henry David Thoreau

      As I sit here, typing this out and slurping on some lime Jell-O (delicious!) I think that Henry David must of been a man who wanted people to understand him more than anything. I think this quote demonstrates, or transcends, transcendentalism by showing how remembering opposed to actually knowing and understanding something are two separate things. When you understand something, you get the whole message, the content of what it is about. But when you simple remember, you could just be spewing out what you heard and not truly get the concept. This shows transcendentalism because transcendentalism is believing that everything is connected somehow. Maybe the way you view something once you get to understand what their talking about leads to thinking broader about the whole picture. Not just memorizing and repeating someones thoughts.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Catcher In the Rye: Chapters 7-12

I'm trying really, really hard to not read ahead in the book. I don't want to get mixed up with all the questions, although it would be really nice to finish the book already. Either way, the reading is coming along very nicely and I'm hoping the book gets better and better.

If you were Holden, and you had just been kicked out of school, where would you go? Why?
First things firsts. I would have a mini mental breakdown, possibly pace around and go crazy wondering how the heck I let myself be kicked out of school. Then mope around, telling myself that I am a failure. Then I would get really mad and want to punch something, but in the end go back to whimpering about what the heck to do. All of that, in order, on the same day.
But seriously, all joking put aside, I think I would just go outside for a walk and breath. Just breathe. That's one of Holden's problems. HE NEVER JUST STOPS AND BREATHES. He's always thinking about what to do next, he never looks back at the wreck he's left behind. And if he does think about him being kicked out, he doesn't take it seriously. Anyway, I would go outside and breath. Since he's in New York, I think I would go walk and breathe in Central Park. Putting one foot in front of the other should clear up my head and I should come up with a smart choice on what to do next. After some walking I would head back home. My parents would be very disappointed but family is family, and when you're at your worst, family is there to help you out.

Jane's character in the book is sort of nice to have. I think she remind Holden of happy times in the past when life wasn't so messed up. I wish Holden would of called her up, but what would he say? Either way, hopefully Holden gets to see Jane again. It would be nice to see how she thinks of Holden now.

"People are always ruining things for you."
Uhhh, yeah. People always ruin things for others. Maybe they don't mean it half the time(though some do) but plenty of people do it. Like when I ruined the illusion of Santa Claus for my little sister. Now, before I get so much hate, I was 9! Cut me some slack! I thought she knew that Santa wasn't real, so I happened to bring the subject up and it just came out. She was devastated. But now she knows the truth instead of living a lie. But enough of me sounding like the bad guy, I think people ruin things for us because they want to either 1) harm you or 2) make you see the truth. It sucks when something is ruined for you, but you move on and learn from it. At least that's what little sister did.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Catcher In the Rye: Chapters 1-6

Yes!! I've been dying to read this book. At first I was worried that it would be difficult to read, but it sort of reminds me of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Anyways, I'm really enjoying reading this book and hope the story will get better.  On to the questions!

What does it mean to be unique? 
I think being unique is hard. Honestly, you can't always find unique people, cuz' everyone is similar in some way. But being unique would mean that you don't change how you are for other people or for other reasons. Holden is very unique, I think. He doesn't seem to quite fit in with his roommates and friends, he doesn't stare at himself all day long like Stradlater or is openly rude like Ackley, but he sometimes acts like a little kid. Which is very unique among 16/17 year olds. Yet, he doesn't hide it. Which is good and very unique.

How do you keep individuality in a adult world? 
I think in order to stay yourself and be an individual person in the ADULT WORLD(scary isn't it?) you need to know yourself pretty well. Like, you need to keep true to yourself....does that make any sense? Try not to so influenced by your friends, and like/do things that you want to. I mean, it's not bad if you like a trend, but still act how YOU do, not how someone else is.

How is Allie's character similar to your favorite person?
Augh, this answer is so overdone but it's all I got. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE (if by chance you're reading this Anita) is my little sister Karen. Allie, Holden's little brother that died, was apparently really smart. Well, so is Karen. Sometimes I feel like she older than me because she's so much smarter than me. Her way of reasoning is really different from other kids in her grade, and she's always getting remarkable marks from her teacher. Just like Allie. My sister sucks at sports (it must run in the family or something) so baseball is out, but she does have this wild, curly hair you can see from afar like Allie's bright red-ish hair. Overall, Karen does resemble Allie quite a bit. She's the type of kid who makes you laugh when you don't even feel like smiling. I think that's what Allie was to Holden. A beam light that made his gloomy days a little brighter.