Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Odyssey- Final Chapters

Oh, it has come to an end! The story that I hated with pure passion in the beginning had ended.

My last thoughts?

I totally saw the ending coming. I just knew Homer was going to end it like that. After all that Ulysses been through, he has to end up living, once again, with his family. It would just be cruel if he died in that end or something, so I think the ending is appropriate for this story. Plus, I can't come up with a better ending.

Also, I'm happy that Telly seems not as angry with the world like in the beginning. Maybe he changed? Yeah, probably. And Ulysses too. I don't think he changed completely changed, but he's not as arrogant and eager to challenge someone. He has matured. Except the part where he savagely killed the suitors. That was just too.......um...just too.......graphic. 

Now that the Odyssey is done, I think the only smart thing for me to do is read the Iliad. Yes, I know the Iliad takes place before the Odyssey, but I think it would be fun to see the back-story to it. And maybe find out a bit more about Ulysses, Achilles, Agamemnon and the other people who fought in the battle of Troy.

So...yes. I am done! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Odyssey Books 12-17

Nevermind my last post, I have found a couple of favorite characters. The Olympian gods and all the minor people who only get a cameo appearance in the whole book. Like all those souls in the underworld, I'm still thinking about their stories and everything. And even though the Olympian gods and the minor gods do have their fair share of irritating moments (like sinking Ulysses ship, not nice) I believe the gods are the.......most true characters. I mean, they're really simple to understand, to me anyways, because their not complicated or involved in everything like the humans.Well, they are involved but their not always on Earth and besides, they know almost everything that's going to happen. So there's no use in discussing things, cuz they already know who's right.

Anyways, I like them the best.

Telemachus disappointed me, he turned out to be like a moody teenager who's mad at the world, and Ulysses is too arrogant. Blehh, hate arrogance.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Odyssey
Books 8-12

Well, I think I've chosen my favorite character. NO ONE! Just when I thought Telly was alright and possibly a good hero. He does something that just doesn't fit with me. And then there's Ulysses (I still don't get why it's Ulysses and not Odysseus!). Why would he challenge all those guys to see who's stronger? I know it's part of preserving your pride or whatever, but still. It just seemed so....juvenile. I mean, this is a grown man we're talking about. In his late, maybe middle, forties! I think it was unnecessary, but that's just my opinion. And then there was Nausicaa. I liked her in the beginning, just because I loved her name, and I thought she was going to be kinda cool and a good character. But she's always talking about marriage. How she doesn't want to marry some dude, and it gets sort of annoying. Hopefully the character will develop more, I have really high expectations for this one.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am , right now, not sure who I like in the book, and who I should hate. I should probably check back into the Odyssey, but I'm writing this in the middle of Algebra, (sorry Mr. Alspach, even though you'll hopefully never read this blog entry).

First thing first, I thought Calypso was the bad person in all of this!! Suddenly it seems, to me anyway, that she's just a lonely witch-lady living on an island, who happens to honestly, really like Ulysses. It's not her fault the gods don't strand any other vagabond on her island.

Second thing on my complaint agenda, I wonder when Hermes (or his Roman counterpart, Mercury) will make an appearance, if at all. Isn't he the god of traveling and what not? So why is Minerva helping them all the time? No other gods help Telly and Ulysses so far in the book. Maybe it's beacuse they're Minerva's favorites.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Odyssey

 Chapters 2-4

 As I read further into The Odyssey, I realized I was starting to actually like it. Huh! Although there are some things I quite don't understand, like why the suitors are savaging Penelope's and Telly's house, (where are the government officials in all of this?!), but I also realize back then things were done differently, traditions were not quite what they are now. So hopefully as the story progresses I'll get more comfortable with that idea.

So for now, I am left to wonder if Telly's quest will go as expected. Sail the seas, find the dad, come home for a happy life, or if they'll  hardships along the way to find/ bring back home his dad, Ulysses.

Oh! And on that note, another question I ponder. Why isn't the main character's name Odysseus but instead Ulysses? It's called THE ODYSSEY! Not the Ullysey.

By now I'm just ranting off complaints and things I think should change, which means I should stop writing soon. But do not be misguided, I actually kinda like the book.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Odyssey

    Well, I'm sort of on the fence about this book. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE mythology, especially Greek, but this is Roman based and written all funny like. Hopefully the book will grow on me, but so far not so excited. So far in the book I like Telly (my nickname for Telemachus) and......yeah, that's about it. Neptune is acting like a big baby right now, and Jove seems like he doesn't want to get involved with Ulysses and his problems. And what's up that witchy-goddess lady Calypso? Keeping a man held hostage? Why?! My predictions are very clear right now, Telly will find his dad and Neptune will get over his hissy fit, Calypso will stay on her island, ALONE, and Ulysses and Penelope will reunite.